Angel Wisdom, justice, knowledge, protection, faith, inspiration
Bars Despair,
hopelessness, confinement, life interrupted
Birds Peace, harmony, courting/dating, companionship, building a family,
freedom, life, liberty
Blood Life, power, spiritual life
Bubbles Mystery, distance, history, dreams, visions
Butterfly Beauty, new creation, rebirth, new spiritual life, a clean life
(drug free)
Car/Low Rider Independence, freedom, distinction, mobility, rebellion
Chains Incarceration, brutality, confinement
Clown Hidden feelings, masks, false pretenses
Gun Death,
evil power, revenge, revolution
Heart Love, devotion
Hourglass Time passing slowly, jail sentence
Jesus (The Man of Sorrows, "El Chuy") hope, truth, salvation,
creator, life |
Key Freedom
from oppression and incarceration, knowledge, wisdom, opportunity
Mexican Revolutionary Figures
(Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Joaquín
Murrieta) Ethnic pride, reclamation of the past, dignity, cultural preservation
Pachuco Nostalgia, resistance to assimilation, ethnic pride
Peacock Beauty, pride, machismo, anger
Playing Cards Gambling, risks, vice
Praying Hands Faith,
unity through faith in God
Rose Hope,
passion, beauty
Snake Evil, Satan, the dark side of man, temptation, corruption, drugs
Spider Web Entrapment, imprisonment
Tears Grief, sorrow, pain, death
Unicorn Magic, myth, romance, rebirth, purity, isolation, loneliness, alienation
Watch Tower Prison, authority, surveillance
Virgin of Guadalupe/La Virgen de Guadalupe Patron saint of Mexico and Hispanic peoples,
mother, protector, comforter |