Curated by former Curator of Contemporary Hispanic Arts, Mariah Sacoman

he Museum of International Folk Art wishes to thank the artists and individuals who lent pieces from their collections for this exhibition July 21, 1996 to January 7, 1997. The Museum acknowledges all of the individuals who helped bring this exhibition to completion. We are grateful to Miguel Gandert, Rudy Padilla and Victor Sorell for their scholarship, advice and guidance. The purchase of paños for the permanent collection was made possible through the generosity of the Folk Art Committee and the Friends of Folk Art. We also thank the International Folk Art Foundation, the Museum of New Mexico Foundation, HRH Don Felip, Prince of Asturias, and the Spain '92 Foundation for their ongoing financial support.

All photographs by Miguel Gandert are courtesy of the Andrew Smith Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

All photographs of paños are by Blair Clark, Museum of New Mexico.


©1997 Museum of International
Folk Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico