Tsetan Wangyal

Tsetan Wangyal: "My parents were small businessmen. In 1959 the Chinese occupied Tibet and they came to my birthplace, Sakya. They arrested all the Tibetan leaders there and the head of the monastery and all of the businessmen. At that time I was eight years old. After the arrest of my father, they killed him by gun in front of the public and my family, and my mother became mentally sick, crazy…[Later] I went to Chinese school…After some time the Chinese arrested my younger brother along with about fifty or sixty other children. They put them in the 'dark house'…I went down and tried to break down the door. I couldn't…I pushed and pushed and finally the door broke down…then suddenly one of the [Chinese] teachers came with his belt. He tried to beat me. I took out my knife from my pocket and tried to stab him. The teacher behind me shot me in my knee and I fell down on the ground."